
Next to Normal
Book and Lyrics by Brian Yorkey Music by Tom Kitt Directed by Jack Reuler Movement…

Tales From Hollywood
Tales From Hollywood By Christopher Hampton Directed by Ethan McSweeny Movement Direction by Marcela Lorca…

Charlie’s Aunt
By Brandon Thomas Directed by John Miller-Stephany Movement Direction by Marcela Lorca Widely regarded as…
Time Stands Still
By Donald Margulies Directed by Joe Dowling Movement Direction by Marcela Lorca McGuire Proscenium Stage,…
The Sunshine Boys
By Neil Simon Directed by Gary Gisselman Movement Direction by Marcela Lorca Wurtele Thrust Stage,…

Article: ‘Caroline’ remount a hit in (upstate) New York
The reviews have been breathless, calling the production “compelling” and “masterful.”
Hay Fever
By Noël Coward Directed by Christopher Luscombe Movement Direction by Marcela Lorca Guthrie Theater, MN

Caroline, or Change
By Tony Kushner Music by Jeanine Tesori Directed by Marcela Lorca Syracuse Stage, NY The…

Review: ‘Burial at Thebes’ is a classic for good reason
Marcela Lorca’s Guthrie production hearkens to the roots of Greek drama, with music, movement and…

Hum a Few Bars of ‘Antigone’
In “Thebes,” Steele and director Marcela Lorca aim to stage a show that uses music…