Marcela Lorca Receives Prestigious Zelda Fichandler Award
Stage Directors and Choreographers Foundation (SDCF), the not-for-profit foundation affiliated with Stage Directors and Choreographers…

A Winter’s Tale
by William ShakespeareDirected by Marcela LorcaMusic by Peter VitaleSets by Nick GolfisCostumes by Sonya BerlovitzCast: Stephanie…
Review: A powerful Passion closes Minnesota Orchestra’s Latin Sommerfest
I can’t blame the audience at Orchestra Hall for immediately rising to its feet and…
Review: Minnesota Orchestra’s passionate performance of Golijov masterpiece closes Sommerfest
Fueled by a formidable battery of percussion instruments, it hummed and shrieked and babbled with…

La Pasión Según San Marcos
La Pasión Según San MarcosComposed by Osvaldo Golijov Artists
Article: Think choral music is bland? Minnesota Orchestra concert may blow your mind
If Bach was living in Cuba in 1999, he might have written a Passion that…
Review: Ten Thousand Things’ ‘Sor Juana’ is deftly crafted historical fiction
It completes director Marcela Lorca’s first season at the helm of Ten Thousand Things and…
Review: “The Sins of Sor Juana” by Ten Thousand Things at Open Book
TTT’s new Artistic Director Marcela Lorca once again takes the helm, leading this terrific seven-person…
Review: The Sins of Sor Juana
This play […] is being staged by Ten Thousand Things Theater, directed by Marcela Lorca, the…
Review: Ten Thousand Things stages powerful play on 17th-century poet punished for her ‘curiosity’
Under Marcela Lorca’s confident direction, “Sor Juana” shifts nimbly between drama and comedy, between English…